KAM Promotion Video The Brand of Concrete The Factory Factory
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  • enerji nakil hattı
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Quality Perception

 The main input materials used in concrete production in our establishment:
  • Aggregate
  • Cement
  • Iron
  • Additive (Liquid-Solid)
  • Water (mains water)

Input controls of main input materials are conducted in accordance with TS EN ISO 9001:2008.

Tests to be conducted on the input materials and their frequency are defined in our quality plans.


Before the aggregate delivered to our establishment in trucks are transferred into closed bunkers, the laboratory officer gets on the truck and conducts visual examination. He checks whether there is any organic material in the aggregate. After he takes a sample from the aggregate, he allows the aggregate to be transferred to the bunkers. If the aggregate is not appropriate for use, it is rejected and recorded as required by the system. Our establishment uses aggregate that is in compliance with TS 706 EN 12620 standard.


The cement delivered to our establishment are accepted in accordance with the test certificates coming with the silobuses and taken to the silos. It is recorded as required by the system. Our establishment uses cement that is in compliance with TS EN 197-1  standard


Every truck carrying iron to our establishment is given a lot number. After the iron bars are controlled in terms of length, diameter and test certificate, their traceability labels are attached to the rolls. 3 samples from each diameter size are taken from each lot in order to be tested. Decision to accept or reject the iron is made after the our results are compared with the supplier’s results.

In our establishment, S 420 (SEISMIC) iron compliant with TS 708 standard and the Earthquake regulation is used in Prefabricated industrial buildings, and ST 70 iron compliant with TS 708 standard for Energy Transfer poles.


Additives are accepted into our establishment in accordance with the supplier’s certificates like in cement. Liquid additives compliant with EN 943-2 standard and solid additives compliant with TS EN 450-1 standard are used in our establishment.

The concrete mixing water we use in our establishment is mains (drinking) water, yet we had the necessary tests conducted obtained a report that the water is appropriate for use as drinking water.  The water used in our establishment is compliant with TS 1008 standard.


Fresh concrete tests conducted in our Establishment

Slump test, flow table test (SCC), initial setting test, unit weight (efficiency) test, sampling test. Fresh concrete tests are conducted in accordance with TS EN 12350 standard.


Hardened concrete tests conducted in our establishment

Breaking of concrete cylinder samples, Carrot tests and test performed individually on the product. (type tests, energy transfer poles, fence post, concrete pavers, curbstones, etc.) Hardened concrete tests are conducted in accordance with TS EN 12390 standard.


The concrete manufactured in our establishment ranges from class C20 to class C50. Fresh concrete samples are taken into 15x30 cylindrical molds. These molds are broken after 7 days and 28 days and the quality of concrete is checked. Samples are taken every day periodically. Our concrete is produced in our fully automatic concrete plant without any hand contact.


In our establishment, curing (early strength gain) process is conducted in closed circuit steam generation system (serpentine), under a canvas, and in a single hose in the energy transfer pole. Curing temperature and curing duration of products are specified in the curing timetable. Products are cured with water for 1 week at the most in summer months.



All our products are marked and controlled by quality staff who are independent from the production unit in accordance with their projects and then transferred to external stock.